module D := Core.CodeUnit.Domain
module S := Core.CodeUnit.Syntax
module RM := Core.Monads.RefineM
module CS := ConcreteSyntax
module R := Core.Refiner
Determines whether a signature is: `TotalAll : A total space created by the `total` tactic, where all fields but `fib` are patched `TotalSome : A total space created by the `total` tactic, where at least one non-`fib` field is *not* patched `NotTotal : Not a total space created by the `total` tactic
val intro_subtypes_and_total : Core.Tactic.Chk.tac -> Core.Tactic.Chk.tac
val intro_implicit_connectives : Core.Tactic.Chk.tac -> Core.Tactic.Chk.tac
val elim_implicit_connectives : Core.Tactic.Syn.tac -> Core.Tactic.Syn.tac
val elim_implicit_connectives_and_total :
Core.Tactic.Syn.tac ->
val intro_conversions : Core.Tactic.Syn.tac -> Core.Tactic.Chk.tac
val open_ :
Core.Tactic.Syn.tac ->
(Core.Ident.t -> Core.Ident.t option) ->
(Core.Tactic.var list -> Core.Tactic.Chk.tac) ->
Brings all fields of a struct into scope, potentially applying a renaming.
val open_syn :
Core.Tactic.Syn.tac ->
(Core.Ident.t -> Core.Ident.t option) ->
(Core.Tactic.var list -> Core.Tactic.Syn.tac) ->
Brings all fields of a struct into scope, potentially applying a renaming.
val tele_of_sign : Core.Tactic.Tp.tac -> Core.Tactic.Tele.tac
Attempt to extract a telescope from a signature.
val kan_tele_of_sign : Core.Tactic.Chk.tac -> Core.Tactic.KanTele.tac
Attempt to extract a kan telescope from a signature code.
val tac_nary_quantifier :
('a, 'b) R.quantifier ->
(Core.Ident.t * 'a) list ->
'b ->
val match_goal :
(( * D.cof * D.tm_clo) -> Core.Tactic.Chk.tac RM.m) ->
val refine :
(( * D.cof * D.tm_clo) list -> exn option -> Core.Tactic.Chk.tac) ->
module Elim : sig ... end
module Equations : sig ... end